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17 November 2014

Public Lighting In Águeda

by 24

Águeda Local Authority and Lighting Living Lab (LLL), with their associates’ support, initiated a record of the Águeda Public Lighting network, registering points of lighting and their geographical references.

This record is the working basis for Águeda Local Authority in pursuing energy efficiency in its public lighting network.

The total number of lighting points in Águeda Local Authority is 22.559.

Based on this information, the council decided to install new lighting solutions whenever there was the need to intervene in its public lighting network and to make its infrastructure available to all manufacturers of lighting equipment to carry out tests in real conditions, innovating and perfecting future products to be put on the market.

Due to this initiative, Águeda Local Authority has 654 points of intelligent lighting that are controlled in real time by a computer application which helps the council to provide the best lighting service with least financial and environmental impact for its residents.

Águeda’s public lighting network has 895 lights with LED light sources, which allow an average of 50% energy saving when compared with conventional technology.

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